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Homeward Bound
Gabby Durrin Press Release (as one door closes another opens) A lot has been going on this year for me. I have been away from racing for a little while and I have made some big decisions over the past couple months. I am RETIRING from professional cycling, and I am...
Book Review – Wild Cycling by Chris Sidwells
Wild Cycling A pocket guide to 50 great rides off the beaten track in Britain by Chris Sidwell A. Reviewer: Nichiless Dey. European Cycling correspondent, physics teacher and cyclist of little renown! i. For Anna ‘The Boss’ Magrath: (as,...
Islabike Luath Long Term Review
Islabikes are produced by former British national champion and medallist Isla Rowntree. With experience in all forms of cycling and extensive experience in bike design and frame building the brand is well known and respected. They offer a fantastic range of bikes from...
Teaching your child to ride a bike with Isla Rowntree
With the summer finally arriving and the long school holidays on the horizon we asked Isla Rowntree, ex-national cyclocross champion and founder of Islabikes how to approach teaching you child to ride a bike. What are your thoughts on stabilisers? For years children’s...
It’s Cyclocross Season – Are you ready to get down and dirty?
I love this time of year as the Summer turns to Autumn, the leaves begin to turn some of the most amazing colours and winter gradually gets its claws into the land as the frosty mornings start cold and bright. However if I’m really honest I hate the cold dark dank...
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